Whether your interest lies in reviewing shows, covering special events or writing larger stories about the festival, we'd love to have you on the Fringe. We invite you to attend at any point throughout the festival, but we especially encourage you to attend Previews (June 2nd-7th) as your words and opinions can help inspire thousands of patrons.
To get started covering the Fringe, request your Press Credentials here. You will be required to share some of your recent performing arts coverage.
Digital Press Kits is available at www.hollywoodfringe.org/press Physical Press Kits & Lanyards (not required for admittance or to obtain comps but can be helpful) will be available for pickup, time and location TBD.
For more assistance, contact the Press Office: publicity@hollywoodfringe.org.
Terms of Use
Hollywood Fringe reserves the right to revoke press credentials at any time.
Comps are granted at the discretion of each show's respective production team. Many productions may ask you to limit "plus ones", particularly if finances and/or house sizes are limited. If you are granted comps to a production, participants expect you to give them a published review. Please try to be communicative with artists about intended coverage.